Monday, April 15, 2013

Quince de Creatividad

Long time, no Quince de Creatividad! So I have a fun craft to share with you today!

Unfortunately I don't have all of these that I have made to show because I was too excited to give the others out after I made them to stop and take pictures! I have actually made 4 of them, all in the same style for the most part, with leopard and/or zebra print, just with different colored backgrounds, but gave one to my mom (red, white, and black), one to my step sister (yellow and green), and one to Meredith (I believe hers was blue and I don't remember what other colors).

I bought the bracelet bases and cabochons from Joiwind fairly cheap, and just painted them myself with acrylic paint and polishes, and I just love them! I actually bought up a bunch of the sets of blanks because I knew I'd be wanting to make a lot of them for various reasons and with all different designs in the future!

This particular bracelet was done with some of the China Glaze Poptastic colors. They can be labor-intensive depending on the design, but they're a blast to make! I love all sorts of polish-related jewelry!
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