Friday, April 19, 2013

I have a new banner!

Sorry, I have to brag a little. I spent 3 hours in Photoshop making this thing! I love how it turned out, though!

If you can tell me all of the manis (except for the 's' and 'k' because I haven't posted that mani yet) each letter came from, there may be a prize in it for you! ;) A polish or two. I'm thinking a Blackheart skull polish and/or a China Glaze. I'm not sure yet. This is very spur-of-the-moment.

You don't have to give the exact post title or anything. Just "the 'z' is your strawberry nails" for example.

Most of the manis I used are fairly recent. None are more than a year old.

No closing date, it'll just end whenever someone gets it right!
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