Friday, April 26, 2013

KBShimmer - Don't Teal Anyone

Don't Teal Anyone was another KBShimmer high on my wish list. I love it every time I see it, so it finally had to be mine!

And I am definitely not disappointed!!

I have been in love with KBShimmer since I placed my first order! Or as Peace, Love and Polish puts it, KBShimmer is my ultimate "indie crush" right now!!

This swatch is two coats shown over Blackheart Dark Teal.

Don't Teal Anyone is a beautiful dark teal base full of large, medium, and small yellow, purple, and teal hex glitters, with a few purple strings glitters every now and again.

I'm not sure what this one would take for full opacity on it's own, but I'm guessing 3-4 coats. I prefer to use undies for frugal purposes.

I don't know what it is about these KBShimmers but UGH! I want them ALL!

Brand: KBShimmer
Primary color: Teal
Secondary color: Purple
Tertiary color: Yellow
Finish: Glitter
Coats: 2
Price: $8.75 USD
Undies: Yes
Topcoat: Seche Vite (1 coat)
Overall rating: 10/10
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