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This policy is valid from 27 July 2011
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Amber at nailslikelaceblog@gmail.com.
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About Me
The not-so-typical descriptors....
- I love cold Spaghetti O's. In fact, I refuse to eat them any other way; they are absolutely disgusting heated up!
- I would be content with spicy chicken sandwiches and Code Red Mountain Dew for every meal, everyday.
- I actually am not a chocolate fan. Unless I am hungry/thirsty for it, it is gross; excluding hot chocolate, I love love hot chocolate! Same with coffee. Except I never crave it, it's always nasty.
- I also hate beer. Whether it is "an acquired taste" or not, it's not a taste that I care to acquire! Yuck!
- Potato chips dipped in either ketchup or cold pork 'n' beans = delicious! You can blame my madre for that one.
- I prefer the margarita salt to the margarita. I used to always eat it out of the bowl when my parents weren't looking. Same with garlic salt, I can eat it straight! Shh. Don't tell my mother-in-law, she yells at me every time she catches me doing it!
- Pet peeve: While we're on the subject of food... "Why is it so important that your foods don't mix or touch? It all goes to the same place." Yes, well, everyone doesn't force themselves all onto the bus at once, do they? No. You form an orderly line, and the mashed potatoes are shy. They need their space. They don't like it when the carrots invade their bubble! Unless you're having chicken or Salisbury steak, in which case it is acceptable to dip said meat into the potatoes.
Furthermore, if I do not already follow you, but you would like for me to check out your blog, please shoot me an email at nailslikelaceblog@gmail.com and I would be more than happy to visit you!
The Ultimate Nail Tag:
1. When did your nail passion start?
Growing up, my mom almost always had her nails painted with a fun color and the occasional DIY snowman in December or simple hearts for Valentine's Day. She's always had long oval nails and I remember having her paint my nails for the first time with a bright blue color that I had picked out when I was in elementary school. I slowly learned to paint my own nails, which evolved into more intricate designs.2. When did you start growing your nails long?
I actually didn't start growing my nails out until I started doing the harder, more intricate designs as opposed to just painting them one color. As I got better at nail art (2010-2011 ish), I wanted them to be longer and healthier, like the girls in all the YouTube tutorials. I had been an avid nail biter my entire life and after trying many remedies (chewing gum instead, keeping them painted, carrying a nail file with you ICE, etc.) I just randomly stopped biting them one day because I didn't want to ruin the nail art I'd worked so hard on, and have kept them nice since.3. What are the secrets to growing long natural nails?
I am a frequent user of cuticle oils and balms. To whiten them, I soak them in hot water with a denture cleaning tablet whenever I am feeling froggy to do so. Other than that I really don't do anything special. I swear by plain and simple moisturizing. I started out with a cheap $2 bottle of Vitamin E oil from the Dollar General that I transferred to an empty polish bottle. I used that a few times a day and and noticed a huge increase in cuticle health, as well as nail strength and flexibility, in two weeks.4. Do you like long or short nails?
I'm kind of back and forth on this one. If I have a break and file them down to nubbins, I look back on pics of my long nails and think they're beautiful. Once they get to a certain length, though, I think they begin to look like nasty and want to file them down again. Dang fickle women, I tell ya!5. Which do you prefer most: acrylic, gel, fiberglass or any other nail enhancement?
I have never had my nails done with acrylic or anything other than nail polish. In fact, I have never had them professionally done at all. I've slowly taught myself some acrylic work and have fun creating simple 3D flowers or bows to add on top of polish designs every now and again, plus I'll use acrylic to repair a broken nail/rebuild a full tip after a clean break if I don't want to file them all down.6. Do you prefer false nails or natural nails?
I definitely prefer natural nails. I do sometimes repair a broken nail with acrylic, but not very often.7. What nail shape do you like best: round, square, pointy, squoval?
I prefer square or squoval nails. I have never been a big fan of rounded nails. Even when I had short nails and wore the false ones circa 2009, I would never buy any that weren't square.8. What nail polish brand do you love the most?
I don't really have one brand that I use the most. I prefer the clearanced stuff or just whatever looks great. My stock contains mostly China Glaze, but for the price, I love the quality of Sinful Colors and I use a lot of Sally Hansen, too.9. If you were stuck on an island what would be the 3 nail items you would bring?
If I were stuck on an island, I would probably have to have hand/body lotion or some type of cuticle balm/oil, plus a nail file. I would also need to have a never-ending stock of tartar/cocktail sauce, seeings as I would be on an island, and I'm a big fan of shrimp!10. Why do you love nail art? How did you get started doing nail art?
I love nail art just because it is fun. I love creating and I consider myself to be decent at it. I got started by just randomly looking up a design on YouTube and it stemmed from there. I had never done anything really intricate until then, other than some polka dots here and there or using multiple colors on one nail.
Updated 2 December 2016