Monday, August 19, 2013

Color Club - Beyond

I swatched this forever ago, but never got around to posting. So here it is, finally!

I had my eye on all 12 of the Halo Hues ever since they were released, and it was driving me crazy seeing everyone's swatches of them, and how gorgeous they were, that I finally had to break down and buy both collections! 

This one is definitely one of my favorites from the entire line. In fact, I tend to use and like the 2013 collection more, in it's entirety. I think it is because the second set has more color. The 2012 collection is lighter, but 2013 is more bold. I definitely don't regret owning all of them, though, because they are all just so stunning and amazing!!

I've shown beyond at two coats with one coat of Seche Vite. Topcoat does not kill the holo effect in these, like it does some holos, which makes these Color Clubs that much more awesome! My camera just sucks at picking up all the rainbowy goodness!
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