Saturday, August 24, 2013

Black and Nude - Studded Criss-Cross Nails

I had the idea to try out a nude (Zoya Avery) and black (Wet'n'Wild Black Creme) combo mani.

I did the nails, they bubbled like crazy. Took pictures anyway and they've sat on the back burner until I had time to post them.

I like the idea, and I like where I was going with this, I just wish my topcoat hadn't bubbled so bad!

I read somewhere that you can use a regular topcoat over your mani first, then Seche Vite and it will help cut down on the shrinking. 

Well... I got hardly any shrinking, but I'd rather have it than a bubbly mess!

Oh well. I'll have to try something like this again later, but execute it better! :)
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