Friday, March 13, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Nature: Day 5 - Toucan Touch This

The time has come: it's the end of another awesome Digit-al Dozen week! It's bittersweet. DD is a very active week, but I'm always sad to see it go!

I saved my most detailed mani that I worked the hardest on to close the show!

I've had KBShimmer Toucan Touch This for years and have only worn it once. It was one of those that I had to have and I decided to break it out and show it some love again! The name of this polish actually inspired me to try my hand at painting a toucan on top of it!

Overall, I really like how this one turned out! It's not the best toucan ever painted, and he doesn't look very realist, but I tried and I think I did good for my abilities.

The toucan is mostly acrylic paint (Caribbean, New Shamrock, Bright Red, Bright Yellow, white and black from Apple Barrel), but I also used Bonita Melon Bar for the green fading near his eye, Orly Ablaze in his beak, and Zoya Adel for a muted outline around the whole bird. I added a matte topcoat to all my nails and a shiny topcoat to just the toucan's beak.

I'm excited to see what everyone else did for the final DD nature day!!

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