Sunday, March 29, 2015

Return of the IG Rainbow Collab - Pastel Water Marble

It has been over a year since Instagram saw a big rainbow nail collab, so it was finally time to rally the troops again and flood IG with rainbow manis!

I used a bunch of pastels in a stripey water marble for my contribution.
Pink: Dermelect Moxie
Peach: Pure ICE Happy Hour
Yellow: Sally Hansen Mellow Yellow (original formula)
Green: Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet
Blue: Dermelect Above It
Purple: Sinful Colors Prime Purple

My phone did a better job at capturing this mani more color-accurately, so I have a couple of those lower quality shots too.

And of course, all 58 manis from everyone together!

To see all the individual manis up close, check out the hashtag #ReturnOfTheRainbowCollab on Instagram. And of course THANK YOU to everyone who participated!!
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