Friday, February 21, 2014

Chalkboard Nails

I found a couple of the dual-ended Chalkboard Nail Art polishes from Revlon on clearance a little while ago. I realize this look could be achieved just as easily with a matte topcoat, but they were only a couple bucks, so I figured I'd play with them.

One end has a matte black polish with a regular brush, and a matte color with an art brush on the other end (cream: Teacher's Pet, pink: Overachiever).

It was nice not having to use a topcoat with these, and they do seem quite a bit more matte than any matte topcoat I've ever used.

They were fun to just mess around with, but would I have ever paid the full, retail price for them? No! Spend that $7 or whatever they cost on a good matte topcoat instead and just use regular polishes!
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