Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spring Fever - Half Moon Floral

I have been beyond ready for Spring to get here for two months now! So I figured it was time for an early Spring mani!

I loved these half moon heart nails I did so much that I wanted to try something similar, but with flowers.

For this mani, I used all China Glaze polishes. Gaga for Green (the green, obviously), Lemon Fizz (yellow), Peachy Keen (orange), Jacqueline (off-white), and Passion (gold).

I had originally created a video tutorial for this mani, edited it on my teeny laptop, then previewed it on a big screen. When I went back to watch it, I realized the first 3/4 was really blurry, plus a fly kept photo bombing my intro. So I decided to just scrap it. I may do a tutorial for something like this in the future, but I don't know. It's not an extremely difficult design to complete, but I do enjoy making videos when I have the extra time, and I really liked this mani, so I just figured I'd film it. Anyway, if you would like for me to create a video for these nails, I will, otherwise, it's not very high on my to-do list.
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