Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Twinsie Tuesday: Mattify - Bunny Print on Neon Pastel Mint

Welcome to the final Twinsie Tuesday of May! This week, the Twinsies have done matte manis!

I kept my look fairly simple for today. The base for my design is Parrot Polish Mini Mint. Side note: love the brand, love the color, but it was so thick and sheer that I needed three gloppy coats and it was a hot mess - unfortunately I don't recommend this one, go for Sea Star instead (see it in action), trust me, it will blow your mind! I stamped with Born Pretty Store plate BP-60. It happened to be sitting out on my desk, and even though it isn't Easter, I was feeling bunny-ish! Don't judge! Cuddly, fuzzy, twitching-nosed bunnies are appropriate any time of the year! 

I sealed the stamp with Seche Vite first so the matte topcoat wouldn't smear my rabbit print, and mattified with my favorite matte topcoat from Wet'n'Wild. It is crazy cheap and one of the best I've tried - I've used around a dozen different brands of matte topcoat, yet W'n'W reigns high on my list still!

Then, ya know, in true NLL fashion, it was still a bit too bland for me, and I added some big, funky, 3D daisies (I think? Maybe they're supposed to be sunflowers. Not positive, but they're cute anyway)! Just to make it a little more spring and a little less Easter.

Aren't all those little hippity hops the cutest?! Maybe not the best color combo choice on my part, kind of hard to see from far away unless you know what you're looking for, but I like it!

Don't forget to check out all the other ladies' pretty matte looks!

Alaina at The Little Canvas
Amanda at Amandalandish
Amanda at Fashion Footing
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Bridget at A Painted Nail
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Jessica at Blue Velvet Lacquer
​Lisa at The Polish Playground
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Savannah at Addicted to Polish
Tiffany at Polished To Precision
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