Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nontraditional Geometric Snowflakes

For my geometric snowflakes, I used Sassy Chic Lemonade topped with China Glaze Glitter Up on three nails, with Sally Hansen Sweetie Pie as a base on the other two. I also used Sally Hansen Blue Me Away! to match the blue glitters.

I've only worn Sweetie Pie one other time, three years ago. It was so bad that I don't even have any pictures to link you back to as proof. It was watery, sheer, patchy, and horrible. Four+ coats for opacity, and just a plain pain. I figured it has been sitting since 2011, so perhaps it thickened up a little, possibly improving the formula.... Yea. Nope. I still needed five, yes five, coats for opacity! Still very patchy and flat out annoying to work with. But since it matched the peach glitters in the China Glaze, I decided to go for it anyway, and doubt I'll ever use it again. Who knows, maybe it'll have improved in another three years......

I'm not absolutely in love with this mani. In fact, I don't like it at all. I am in love with the China Glaze glitter topper, but I've done better. I couldn't decide what kind of mani to do with gorgeous glitter, so I figured I'd try some nontraditional snowflakes.

I almost didn't share this mani, but I think it's a nice reminder that we aren't all perfect, and it is okay for those imperfections to be made public. :)

The image I was inspired by for my blocky snowflake print:

I promise I'll make up for this disasticure tomorrow! :)

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