Monday, February 11, 2013

Maybelline NY Color Show Denims - Styled Out

I won this polish in a giveaway a little while back, and this was the first of the bunch I decided to try on. I instantly fell in love with this one-coat beauty! I was not even previously aware of a "Denims" line by Maybelline, but if the other, Denim Dash, is anything like this one, I want it, too!

Styled Out dries to a semi-matte finish and has a stunning silver shimmer running through it. I was originally going to add something on top, but didn't have the heart to once I'd gotten this color down!

Even though it only required one coat for coverage, I loved it so much I had to do two anyway. ^.^

The brush was a tad wonky with a few stray bristles, but it dries pretty fast and is completely worth the extra effort in application!
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