Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Free-Hand Fishtail Braid Nails in Blue and Nude

I haven't done a fishtail braid mani since my 4th of July one last year, so I figured it was about time for another. This one, however, I was impatient with, and freehanded everything instead of waiting between each stripe and taping them of for more precision. That just takes too long!

The colors I used in this one are:
Orly - Blue Collar (the bluer of the blues)
Julep - Robin (the more tealish blue)
OPI - Don't Pretzel My Buttons (nude)

I just love fishtail braid nails! I can't get enough of them! ^.^ Plus, once you get the pattern figured out, they're fairly easy to do, for the most part!
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