Monday, May 16, 2016

Mommy's Mani Monday: Marbled Butterfly Nail Art

Butterflies count as bugs, right? Our MMM prompt this week was "bugs" and I'm feeling all bugged out after my recent lightning bug nails, some ladybugs a while ago, and terrible critters in 2012; then there's this butterfly/mushroom/etc. mani, a scarab.... I think you get the point. I couldn't think of anything I haven't already done, so I went simple this time around with a marbled butterfly, a drag marble on the rest of my nails, and a few dots.

I used three polishes for this design:

  • Sally Hansen Gigabryte (yellow)
  • Sally Hansen Take the Plunge (blue)
  • Salon Perfect Go Granny Apple (green)

Don't forget to check out the other moms' manis on IG today too!

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