Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sally Hansen Salon Effects - Tri-bal It On

Whenever I get into a nail art rut or am uninspired (or know I'll be busy and unable to paint my nails for a span of 3+ days), I always resort to nail strips like the Sally Hansen Salon Effects. They are super easy, quick, and don't require any tools or much work.

I found a few sets of these strips on clearance, and even though I'm not crazy about most of the patterns I got, they were a steal for $2.50 USD and I knew I'd eventually be able to use them.

Since starting my job, I have even less time to paint my nails, and often go Tuesday through Thursday with the same mani, which although is very strange for me, I have come to terms with.

Last weekend, I was in one of these nail art ruts and decided to just wear a set of Salon Effects for the week to get by. The set I went with is called Tri-bal It On.

To me, these are kind of a mish mosh pattern of bland, so naturally, I got bored with them after a couple of days. I started filling in some of the white spaces on my thumb nail with about a dozen different colors (too many to list, but if you're interested in any particular color, feel free to ask me). Then I decided that was taking way too long and gave up on it because I wasn't really feeling it anyway.

I do like them better all rainbowy rather than just plain, boring ole black & white though. Go figure, I can't ever leave well enough alone in a mani! 

I really love these strips, though. They hold up and last really well! And I know they are much better quality than all (yes, ALL) of their competitors, but I just wish the price wasn't so steep! Especially since I do change my nails so often, it feels like a waste to pay $10 for these and then only wear them for a couple of days.

Have you tried any brand of nail strips before, and what do you think of them? Personally, Sally Hansen's have always been and will always be my favorite!
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