Friday, November 1, 2013

China Glaze - Flying Dragon

This is a polish that I have been eyeing for years! Pretty much ever since I started this blog. For three years, I'd look at this polish and set it back on the shelf. Add it to my cart, then remove it before checkout. For three years, this polish has been taunting me! I finally got it for my birthday this year from one of my fellow Twinsies!! ^.^

I was surprised by Flying Dragon. It was a lot darker dried on the nail than it seemed like it would be in the bottle. It was very easy to work with, though, and I love the color it ends up as! It is such a gorgeous, yummy purple with the teeniest blue glitters!

This does normally dry matte, but I like it better shiny, so I added some Seche Vite on top!
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