Thursday, February 23, 2017

Hello Spring! Smoosh Marble with Daisies

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It has been warming up here and I am not complaining! Born Pretty Store sent me a handful of plates to review, and I'm down to the final two. Unfortunately this batch of review items took two months to arrive, so there was really only one image from this plate, BPX-L013, that I could use, since it is primarily a winter/holiday plate. I'm loving the warmer weather anyway, so a spring mani it is!

I had some trouble picking up the "hello spring" words from the plate, but after half a dozen tries, called it good enough, even with the missing sections of lettering. I placed it over a smoosh marble base of Salon Perfect Lavender Fields, Sinful Colors Envious, and Sinful Colors Gogo Boy, then added a bunch of daisies with white acrylic paint and OPI I Just Can't Cope-acabana.

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