Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Faux Water Marble Hearts - Valentine's Day Stamping

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Today I just have a quickie, semi-Valentine's Day design featuring Harunouta stamping plate L005

Harunouta is sort of a sister site, it appears, to Born Pretty Store. So far I have placed a few orders with them and have noted that my items arrive quicker, with less damage, plus they're slightly cheaper. So I am happy so share one of the products I was sent for review today!

I started with a one-coat base of Sinful Colors Pin Up Pink, then stamped one of the images with Born Pretty Store's white stamping polish.

I'd really wanted to use the smaller heart-like marble design on the plate to make it more Valentine's Day appropriate, but it was way too small for my nails! So I went with the larger petal, heartesque one instead. Unfortunately there are some holes and missing bits here and there in the image, but it stamped pretty well, and is so much less messy than an actual water marble! So that alone is a win for me! I definitely see myself getting some use out of the full-nail images on this plate in the future!

If you shop at Harunouta, feel free to use my discount code SCAT300!

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