Thursday, October 3, 2013

KKCenterHk Review - Ebalay Warm Orange Glitter Polish

I have another Ebalay polish from KKCenterHk to share with you today! I showed you their Sweet Pink polish last month. 

Today, I have their "Warm Orange" polish from the same line. This one also retails for $7.82 USD.

What I am showing is one coat over Julep Elizabeth (a blackened, shimmery purple). With Halloween coming up, I thought it would look great over a dark purple for a celebratory feel.

Just like the other, this polish is fairly dense with glitter for being a topper, and has to be applied in somewhat of a dabbing motion rather than using full brush strokes as that just pulls the glitter off the nail.

This polish is made up of white bar glitter, small orange hexes, small and tiny white hexes, and an iridescent blue fine glitter that makes it glow over darker colors!

I love this over the dark purple, it really just pops with the white bits in it! The price is a tad steep, but it is a nice polish. I don't know what all of the ingredients are, but due to the slightly-stronger-than-regular-polish smell, I doubt it is Big 3-Free.

If you decide to try out any of KKCenterHk's polishes, or pick anything else up at KKCenterHk, use my coupon code nailslikelaceevent15off to get 15% off your order from now until March 2, 2014!

Product provided for my honest review from No compensation was received. 
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