Wednesday, September 4, 2013

KKCenterHk Laser Studs Review

I received some awesome laser studs from KKCenterHk to share with you!

These are 3mm, square, purple studs (they also make them rectangular), and you get 50 of them for $4.73 USD.

I wanted to use a contrasting color with these, so I went with Zoya Pippa as a base.

The pros and cons of these studs: I can't find a single thing to complain about. They laid flat, were a great size, decent price, gorgeous. I was even able to cut them in half with a plain pair of scissors for anywhere I needed just half a stud on my thumb. These are great! I love them!

Plus, if you shop at KKCenterHk, you can use my coupon code nailslikelaceevent15off to get 15% off your order from now until March 2, 2014!

Twitter: @kkcenterhkcom
Instagram: @kkcenterhkcom

This product was provided for my honest review from I received no compensation.
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