Friday, July 20, 2012

Furry Friday - Sydnie

Why is it Sydnie and not Sidney, you ask? I just like the first spelling better. =P I actually didn't name her. If I had, I would definitely not have picked the name, anyway. My mom got her when I was in high school from a couple who had her listed in the newspaper. Actually, I think rescued would be a better word. They had this poor girl locked in the dark basement, all alone 24/7 (and they had a Min Pin that they kept locked in a pet carrier, alas, her story must wait until a future installment of Furry Friday). She never knew what it was like to be loved on, but now she can't get enough of it!! ^.^

Coming from where she did, Sydnie wasn't used to being able to do whatever she wanted and with my mom working all day and her being home alone, she liked to chew stuff up. Which is actually strange because ever since, for 5 years, she's lived with me and I have never had her chew up a single thing. She's never gotten into the trash or anything. So I really have no clue why she was doing it at my mom's.

Sydnie lives at my dad's house now. But she's still my big baby! ^.^

Buenos días. =)

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