Monday, December 28, 2015

Born Pretty Store Review - Acrylic Aquarium Nails

Press Sample

I always admire the fun aquarium nails I see, so I got these tips made specifically for the nail style to play around with it.

The set comes with a tiny syringe to fill the nails with water or oil. 

I tried a few different types of glitter for these: chunky blue glitter, a mix with various glitter sizes plus bullion beads, and very small gold glitter. I tried two different types of oil and water for the liquid in these. Plus I tried leaving various sizes of air bubbles before capping with clear acrylic to see if that made a difference. But in the end, it just wasn't what I expected. The hollowed out section isn't very wide so the bullion beads were too large to float around. Still, nothing moved in any of the tips unless I banged them on the desk a few times.

As always, if you want 10% off at Born Pretty Store, my coupon code is ANL91.

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