Monday, October 22, 2012

Wet'n'Wild Fantasy Makers Halloween 2012

This is a set of polishes I have been in search of forever! It seems like they used to have new ones at Walmart every year, but I haven't been able to find them in at least 2 years. My mom found these ones for me at some place called Shop Ko. (sp? Whatever the old Pamida stores became)!

I realize they have probably been seen before, and I have had them for a month or 2 now, but I figured they would be more appropriate to show closer to Halloween! ^.^

These are all so gorgeous in the bottle, I just wish they would have been as pretty on the nail! I started with what I figured would be my least favorite of the glitter trio, (and it was) Rest in Pieces:


no topcoat

The purple glitter in this one didn't translate to the nail very well at all, and it was extremely difficult to photograph! It was all gritty-looking and ugly without topcoat, but, for the life of me, would not photograph with topcoat!

Second is Nail in the Coffin:

This one was equally as stubborn in every way! I have seen better pictures of it on other blogs, but it just wouldn't cooperate with me! I like the idea of this one, a lot though: silver glitter in a black base. I just hate how the glitter gets so lost.

Lastly, my favorite of the three, Once Upon a Time:

This one was definitely the best of the trio, though, of course, the most difficult to remove! But a beauty nonetheless! It took 3 coats for opacity, and didn't look good with any less. I may have to try this one over a black, but I really like the depth of it on its own at 3 coats!

I didn't get the glow-in-the-dark from this set, but I really don't need another cheap, crappy glow-in-the-dark polish! Besides, I don't use it often, so I am okay with that. :)

Will you or have you picked up anything from this collection? Which one is your favorite? 
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