Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lush Lacquer - Lite Brite

Although I hated trying to photograph this beauty, I really love it over black! This is one coat of Lush Lacquer Lite Brite over Wet'n'Wild Black Creme.

I won this in a giveaway, with two other Lush Lacquers from Kayla Shevonne last month. They are my first Lush Lacquers, and I am really loving all three of them!

Although the huge pink hex glitters curled some, and it was a pain to photograph, no matter if I tried in the sun, shade, or inside, I love a great rainbow glitter!

The glitter is much more dense in this than the other two and it is just stunning in person!

On a side note, I took this "quiz" the other day, and found it equally amusing and disgusting!! Try it if you dare and let me know your results, I'm interested in what other people score; I clean and disinfect my phone frequently, wash my hands a lot, etc. so that's an unbelievably, incredibly high number!

How many germs live on your cell phone?
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