Monday, March 13, 2017

The Digit-al Dozen redoes Art: Blue Multi-Gradient with Tree Silhouette

This month, DD is doing manis inspired by art again. I wasn't around for the first art prompt, but it has been fun this time around! For the first look, I used this image as my inspiration.

I started out doing a few gradients on top of one another with various blues: Wet'n'Wild Putting on Airs, Sally Hansen Blue Away, Sally Hansen Blue Me Away, and Sinful Colors Endless Blue. I used black acrylic paint for everything else.

I think this is my favorite from the entire week, I just love how it turned out so much with all those layers! It looks like something extremely advanced but really wasn't all that difficult to accomplish, other than being impatient and having to wait for each gradient to fully dry before moving on to the next.