Friday, April 17, 2015

The Digit-al Dozen Does Childhood: Day 5 - Nickelodeon

It's the last day of Digit-al Dozen Childhood week!

If you're a 90's kid, you may recognize today's mani!

Remember the full-screen face that would shiver and say "brr" at the end of Nickelodeon shows? That's what I tried to recreate on my nails!

My orange base is Dermelect Head Turner. The splat on my thumb (replicating the infamous Nickelodeon slime) consists of Sally Hansen Lickety-Split Lime and Nails Inc. Queen Victoria Street.

I had a lot of fun with this month's Digit-al Dozen theme. So nostalgic!

Don't forget to check out all the other members' final manis, and come back here tomorrow for a DD surprise!